Russian beautiful girl bride
Russian beautiful girls brides
I know your life only from TV, your letters and you personally. I have never been in USA, but I can say some words about it. In America and other countries as far as I see from your letters a lot of children after divorce stay with their fathers and meet mothers only on weekends, sometimes even less…

And very often children prefer to stay with their fathers!!! When I read about it first time, I was really impressed! You know, very often I think what would happen if women from your country would be sent to our countries and women from our countries would be sent to your place. =) Because only men here could leave his child to the mother and start the other family or new life.

I am sure that russian women would never leave her child! I can’t say that we haven’t exceptions; we have, but so less! In our countries children are everything for women and to leave child for us means to leave our life…

I can say that it is almost impossible in our countries to find a single father who raise his children alone, because his wife decided to start new family or career! Like any other Russian woman (Ukraine, Belarusian) I would never leave my child for new love or good career. By the way it is one of the reasons why women write to you – they respect your decisions and respect you as fathers and husbands.